Saturday, 23 January 2016

Less Expectation

Less Expectation

"If u expect nothing from nobody you're never disappointed."-Sylvia Plath. it's quite easy to always expect from people, it's a place of comfort and we tend to find solace in it. However, you're most powerful when you're self-reliant and dependent on no one, you become free from captivity and the unending wait of what to expect from a person. it's better to be surprised than be awfully disappointed that way we can save ourselves the anguish.

You have to learn to stop expecting impossible  from others, rather trust and find happiness in yourself; not relying on what people will give and what help they can render, you may find that you're  always eluded  from the joy you deserve because when you don't get what you want your expectation is cut short and you become resentful and bitter towards others, you blame people for disappointing you whereas you expect too much from them.

This remind me of a friend, who feel his elder brother should be the one to find him a job or better still give him money to startup a business. His brother has sent him to school and left him to fend for himself, this to him is a wicked; unthoughtful act from his brother. All he does is complain of his brother ardent refusal to be of help to him, he has become so unhappy and tragically affected by it,which has cost him to be stagnant, spiteful and habour hate in is heart for his brother to the extend of denouncing his brother in public with the claim of him being inconsiderate, as of now they are sworn enemies.

 Allow things be instead of dictating what it should be,  often you want something so badly,you begin to over think, fantasize, doubt and drown yourself in worry. life tend to take it course by making things happen naturally, when you expect too much you are prone to heartbreak. there is a saying: "hope but never expect, look forward but never wait." You have to let thing be; if they are meant to be then it will be.

There should be no expectation of anyone or anything. Live your life,be happy. 

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